HattenBatter is a home bakery in northwest Tucson specializing in sugar cookies, cinnamon rolls, and other baked goods.

I (Andrea Hattenberger) operate under the Arizona Food Cottage law and hold a food handlers certification.


Meet my family! My husband, Lucas, and our 3 little girls live in Tucson, Arizona.
I’ve been baking for as long as I can remember, but in 2020, I began baking for others as something to do during the pandemic. It took off, much to my surprise, and HattenBatter was born.

In November of 2020, I decided to make DIY sugar cookie kits. I had never successfully decorated a cookie in my life, but I figured I could make the kits. I started playing with icing and cookies in the evenings after the kids went to bed. I found it to be relaxing and fun. I continued to practice and watched countless tutorials and videos from people who knew what they were doing. Decorated sugar cookies now make up the majority of my orders.