
  1. Items not picked up - There are no refunds given for items not picked up. If you have not responded within 48 hours to my email or attempts to contact you, I will sell your item(s) to someone else.

  2. Broken cookies - Once you have picked up your cookies, I am no longer responsible to replace, refund, or repair broken cookies. I do my best to package in such a way to prevent breakages. *See note below on how to best to care for your cookies.

  3. Mistakes and errors - I always send pictures of custom cookies to clients before packaging. It is the client’s responsibility to carefully review the pictures. If any errors are found, let me know immediately so they can be fixed. Problems or mistakes found after pick up will not be refunded or replaced.

  4. Problems with a baked good - If you buy a baked good, and there is a problem, let me know immediately and send a picture. I will do my best to remedy the problem. Contacting me weeks later for refunds or free replacements will not be honored.

  5. Ordering - All ordering must take place through the website. With the volume of orders I receive, this is the only way I can stay organized.

  6. Paying for custom cookies - All custom cookies must be fully paid to place an order and reserve your spot on my calendar.

  7. Cancellations for custom cookies - Refunds will not be given once we are within the 2 week window of your pick up. At this point, I have already purchased supplies for your order. Please still reach out to me in special/tragic situations.

How to care for your cookies

  • Cookies will stay fresh in their heat sealed bags for 2-3 weeks.

  • Keep your cookies at room temperature. Allowing them to get too warm (sit in direct sunlight or in a warm place like your car) can cause multiple issues like breakage or butter bleed. Placing them in the fridge will dry them out.

  • When transporting, protect your cookies from bumps as much as possible. Placing your cookies in a seat rather than the floor is preferable.

  • You may freeze your cookies for a month or even longer. They will taste just as fresh as the day you froze them. To freeze, carefully place all cookies (still in their heat sealed bags) in an airtight container. The night before you need them, take them out of the freezer. DO NOT OPEN the airtight container until cookies are fully thawed. Doing so may result in condensation on the cookie, ruining the decoration.

Enjoying your cinnamon rolls

  • They are best enjoyed within 2-3 days

  • Store them at room temperature. The refrigerator dries them out.

  • Cinnamon rolls freeze very well!
    Slide your pan into a food storage bag and freeze. When ready to enjoy, remove the night before and allow to thaw at room temperature.

  • If freezing a partial pan, remove remaining rolls into a size-appropriate container and freeze.